Using AI to revolutionise supplier relationship management
Suppeco provides Supplier Relationship Management software for clients, leveraging the potential in relationships to solve key challenges facing the customer-supplier ecosystem.
As part of their research and development program, Suppeco and Journi partnered initially to develop a generative AI MVP which would ultimately be integrated into Suppeco’s SRM modular hub. Suppeco, also an Azure native cloud solution partner, leveraged Microsoft Azure OpenAI and the Semantic Kernel framework, which enabled the Journi and Suppeco collaboration to progress from a standing start to a working commercial MVP in just a few months.
Industry: SaaS (Software as a Service)
Services: Technology Innovation Discovery, Product Discovery and Design, End-to-end product development, AI consultancy, AI integration
Technologies: Semantic Kernel, Azure AI/Open AI, .Net, VueJS, NuxtJS, TypeScript
As part of Suppeco’s research and development program, the brief was to evaluate different AI tools and capabilities to build a smart high context model assistant which would understand the internal data structures of Suppeco’s core product and leverage this data to provide informed advice and insights in real-time
The AI tool provides a critical added value capability for Suppeco’s clients alongside their core product by giving immediate feedback, evaluations, and summaries on-demand.
Following a deep-dive discovery and an AI review and consultation, it was decided to leverage the Microsoft Azure Open AI services and Semantic Kernel framework to provide the AI capabilities required. The application was designed and built in .Net8 and C# for the backend and VueJS and Typescript on the front end.
The MVP provides the question-and-answer interface required for clients to query the data source and provides AI-driven evaluations and summaries, alongside a historical query audit of previously asked questions.
Using an accelerated discovery and product design process, we were able to deliver a commercial grade MVP solution which was ready to start trialling with Suppeco clients within 3 months. The product development took 4 weeks through a combination of our experience with the tools and the suitability of these technologies for fast delivery and long-term maintainability.
The project was delivered ahead of time, exceeding expectations by proactive engagement across both teams throughout the project. The AI application is now being rolled out to Suppeco’s clients, allowing engagement and feedback for future improvements
The Client Perspective
…passion for the work. Passion for our project. Entirely different to any firm before. Passion, ability, and partnership – a winning formula. Quite frankly, Journi has proven themselves quite a remarkable firm